Oral Decisions, April 2025

  • Days : 10–11 Apr 2025
  • Where : Sydney
  • Cost : $2000
  • Participants : Judges and Magistrates

10–11 Apr 2025






Judges and Magistrates

Oral Decisions, June 2023

The program is full

  • Days : 10 – 11 April 2025
  • Where : Sydney
  • Cost : 2000
  • Participants : Judges and Magistrates

Oral Decisions, April 2025

This program is a must for judges and magistrates who want to improve their oral and ex tempore judgments.

Why should you attend this program?

In this two day program, experienced judicial officers and oral communication experts will transform the demeanor, appearance and communication skills pertinent to the making of oral rulings.

Combining experienced judicial and communication field expertise, the program aims to equip judicial officers to master a well-reasoned, well-structured, effective oral decision that seamlessly incorporates the essential components of procedural fairness. Participants will receive individual, targeted feedback and best practice advice from communication experts and seasoned and experienced judicial officers.

What will you learn at this program?

This is a hands-on, experiential learning program. Participants will have the opportunity to practise and receive feedback on oral judgments from experienced judges, magistrates and communication and voice trainers.

Participants will also be provided with practical tools, templates and other materials to use when preparing for, developing, or delivering oral decisions.

  • During this program, you will learn to:
    • Enhanced efficiency and efficacy in the courtroom
    • Improved productivity and proficiency
    • Confidently deliver oral decisions
    • Address the complexities of judicial reasoning and oral delivery
  • How is this program taught?
    • This program is taught through group sessions and small group workshops.

How will these new skills help your court?

The delivery at the end of a hearing, or very shortly after a hearing, of a well-reasoned, well-structured oral decision can be a demonstration of the courts at their best.

Program Inclusions

  • Course materials and content
  • Morning/afternoon teas, lunch and program dinner on Thursday, morning tea and lunch on Friday.

The program fee DOES NOT include accommodation and/or travel.  Participants are asked to make their own arrangements.

Meet your Program Planning Committee

Chief Justice Peter Quinlan (Chair)

Supreme Court of Western Australia

Oral Decisions
Judge Gina O’Rourke

District Court of New South Wales

Oral Decisions
Judge Hylton Quail

Children’s Court of Western Australia

Oral Decisions
Justice James Stevenson

Supreme Court of New South Wales

Oral Decisions
Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker

Magistrates Court of the Australian Capital Territory

Oral Decisions